By-Laws Amendments of 1980hese are our By-Laws Amendments adopted on October 14, 1980.
AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS Knights of Columbus Contents: 1. An expense account not to exceed $35 per month shall be paid to the Financial Secretary. 2. Any officer or deleegate who is required to be present at, or attend any state, district, or chapter business shall be compensated for out-of-pocket expenses. Motion made by Gerald Sommers, seconded by Ludd Shea, and passed 10/14/80. ARTICLE IV - Meetings, Section 1 1. Regular meetings of the Council shall commence at 7:30 p.m. Motion made by Art Palermo, seconded by Gerald Sommers, and passed 10/14/80. ARTICLE VII - Funds, Section 5 (Relief Fund) 1. A transfer of $1,000 will be made from the General Fund to the Relief Fund. When any of these funds are expended, they will be automatically replaced from the General Fund, if feasible. Motion made by Gerald Sommers, seconded by Art Palermo, passes 10/14/80. 1. An amount of $250 will be extended to aid a needy brother in financial need. The Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer shall constitute a Relief Committee and will make all necessary investigation concerning a brother in distress, or in need of relief. With the approval and discretion of the above officers and with the signature authority of at least two of them, payments will be made in the following manner: $25.00 for 10 months, or If $250.00 is given at one time (max. amount), then ten months must elapse before any further aid is given, and this will be left to the discretion of the above-listed officers. Motion made by Arlyn Tiexiers, seconded by Vincent E. LaFrancesca, and passed 10/14/80. 1. A Permanent Charity Fund shall be established. This fund may be augmented from the receipt from the Knights of 971, Inc., and shall be placed to accrue interest. This interest shall be dispersed to worthy charities as the Council designates. Motion made by Gerald Sommers, seconded by Andrew Mekis, and passed 10/14/80. 2. There is hereby established a Committee to review all charitable requests. The Committee's recommendations concerning these requests shall be brought before the Council at their next business meeting. The Treasurer shall report to the Committee as to the amount of funds available on a quarterly basis. Motion made by Gerald Sommers, seconded by Ron [sic] Ronzano, and passed 10/14/80. These By-Laws adopted by vote of the Council, September 9, 1980. |