Monthly Bulletins
oday's Knights, the bulletin published by our council, is archived below. Our editor is Andrew Lenz, Jr. (knights@kofc971.org, 831-469-9989).
These PDF files average between 350K and 1MB in size. Most web browsers allow for reading these files on-screen, but you may also download the files by right-clicking with your mouse in Windows (or control-click on a Mac) on the links below. PDF files may be read on your computer using the free program, Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is included with most computers. If you are having trouble opening these files, we suggest you download the latest software version of Adobe Acrobat Reader as older versions may be incompatible.
The State Council bulletins (Golden State Knightletter) are available by visiting the State Council website.

GK Tim Proulx. 2020-21 |

GK Tim Proulx. 2021-22 |
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*Herb Schuchard served as Grand Knight July-October 2010.
Please note that there may be minor formatting anomalies in bulletins of August 2003 and earlier. These were originally created with Adobe Pagemaker and had to be converted and manually corrected in Adobe InDesign to create these PDF files. |
Additional older bulletins are added as time permits.